About Us

Stephanie Elhart
Jay Frankhouse
What's up with the name fuel D?

No, we don’t sell petrol. We offer creative fuel. The ‘fuel’ is us. We see ourselves as energy – as creative accelerant for your business engine. We are the fuel needed to move forward, make progress, stimulate creativity. The ‘D‘ is for you to ponder! We usually ask our clients “what D do you need”? Perhaps your brand needs Definition… Maybe your product portfolio should have stronger Diversity… or a Development process requires new tools to make key Decisions… It could be that you may already be leading in your industry, and to continue doing so, you must make new Discoveries. Whatever your situation, we hope you consider us as fuel for your ‘D‘ needs.

What makes us unique?

It’s a mix of our capabilities and our business model. Whether the project requires product ideation or program management, we believe in aligning the best talent for the specific challenge. We do that by leveraging our extended enterprise of creative specialists — putting the right people on the right projects at the right time. People often ask us. “So how big is your company?” Our typical answer is… “How big do you need us to be?” Our structure always allows for ‘right sizing’. We have found that there are several benefits to our customers working this way.

+   Flexibility of resources
+   A streamlined process
+   Single source accountability
+   Extended capabilities
+   Speed & Agility

Why work with us?

Of all the reasons to list, it’s best boiled down to: we just want to do the right thing for our clients. Whether that translates into working onsite or offsite, tackling large projects or small, going ‘blue-sky?’ or tweaking details, we’ll be as flexible as needed. In the end, you get exactly what you need – great results, on time and within budget. Sounds like a win – win situation. Our experience has shown it is. Wrapped around all of this is our core leadership team with extensive experience directing creative individuals toward common goals.